Expert services and outsourcing
An extensive operational system for providing IT outsourcing services 24/7, for organizations that wish to optimally maintain their computer system, and invest all their resources in achieving their business goals

Your partners along the road

Expert services and outsourcing
An extensive operational system for providing IT outsourcing services 24/7, for organizations that wish to optimally maintain their computer system, and invest all their resources in achieving their business goals
• Expert services according to the 27001 standard
• Help Desk
• Flexible hourly website management
Maintaining organizational information assets, uncompromising availability, ability to expand
The world of technology and information systems is undergoing changes at an insane speed, leading, on the one hand, to the growth of these departments in the various organizations, and, on the other hand, to a large burden, caused by a shortage of the employees, or the knowledge, necessary to cope with the considerable and significant burden of maintenance. As this world evolves, so does the significance of the database in companies grow, because there are more possibilities for phishing attack-like security breaches and the like.
Therefore, to serve all these needs, we in Sinopia established the expert services department, which is intended to serve every existing need in the company, from full management of the computing units, to taking responsibility for writing the procedures and methodology of the computer and information systems in the organization.
Outsourcing and expert services

Managed IT services
Managed IT services
Proper management of the IT arena is critical, and constitutes the key to managing all other resources Thanks to the methodology, and the capability, of our team of experts, who have been breathing and living the world of technologies for about two decades, we can lead organizations towards their business goals
- Proven experience of two decades in the IT world and hundreds of satisfied customers
- Partnership as an essential value in our business strategy
- Proper and controlled management of the IT budget
Implementation of core projects
Sinopia Technologies' operating space includes a wide range of services and solutions, all of which have been carefully tested prior to selection
Managed IT services
Sinopia Technologies' operating space includes a wide range of services and solutions, all of which have been carefully tested prior to selection
Standard 27001
Sinopia Technologies' operating space includes a wide range of services and solutions, all of which have been carefully tested prior to selection
SINOPIA – Decades of accumulated IT experience in your enterprise.

IT services
Managed IT services
Proper management of the IT arena is critical, and constitutes the key to managing all other resources
Thanks to the methodology, and the capability, of our team of experts, who have been breathing and living
the world of technologies for about two decades, we can lead organizations towards their business goals
- Proven experience of two decades in the IT world and hundreds of satisfied customers
- Partnership as an essential value in our business strategy
- Proper and controlled management of the IT budget
OUTSOURCING starts with people
Sinopia’s human capital in support services
Sinopia’s support personnel are in your organization on a fixed basis, and are responsible for the ongoing management and treatment of internal and external users, and for ensuring their ongoing work within or outside of the organization. These are people with experience in the IT world who are trained on a regular basis, and are constantly in the process of learning, in order to enable them to address any problems in the organization’s infrastructure that may arise. Their responsibilities, and the number of team members, will be determined, in accordance with the needs and objectives of the organization.
Sinopia’s system team at your service
In each site/organization, we have a team that is led by a senior systems person who is the operations manager of the site. Under this manager, the system and support team, led by a team leader, provides service to the organization. Each member of the team has clear responsibilities, in order to streamline the service for the customer
The areas of responsibility of the operations manager
Is responsible for the full management of the computer department of the company
Serves as the link between the organization and Sinopia
Is aware of all future projects in the organization, even those that do not belong to the manager personally
Serves as the CIO’s right hand man,; therefore, the operations manager must understand the company on the business level
Performs management and control of the company’s employees on an ongoing basis.
Is responsible for core infrastructure
Participates in annual budget meetings related to core infrastructure, and ensures that budget targets are met during the year
The support team will consist of a system manager who will serve as a team leader, and serve as the assistant to the operations manager of the site. The number of support staff will be determined in advance, according to the needs and goals of the organization.
The areas of responsibility of the system manager:
Will be deeply familiar with all of the organization’s systems
Will manage and operate the core systems directly related to users, for example: ACTIVE DIRECTORY, VPN, and more
Will manage the support team and, when necessary, will be an active part of the team
Will meet regularly with the representatives of the organization’s users, in order to understand how service and support can be improved, in order to make the users ongoing and proper work possible
The areas of responsibility of the members of the support team:
Ongoing care and maintenance both of the organization’s infrastructure, and of its users
Dealing with requests, malfunctions, and requirements of organizational users (including the installation of new equipment)
Outsourcing services at Sinopia
The computer outsourcing services that we provide enable the IT staff in organizations to focus all of their energy and talent on the enterprise’s strategic projects and tasks, leaving us to tackle the enterprise network and end users. Of course, these services are customized to the organization’s needs and objectives.
The expert services at Sinopia consist of three main circles:
Core infrastructure – consisting of the worlds of computing, communications, storage, backup, business continuity, and DR (disaster recovery)
The worlds of information security – consisting of email protection services, safe browsing, instructional software on the subject of phishing attacks, prevention of malicious viruses, controlling user entry into the organization (NAC), user behavior, deployment of internal and external firewalls, data center firewall, and NSX.
End-user support through our workers, who are either physically present on-site or who provide remote support. This support is designed to provide a technical response in respect to various topics, for example: addressing problems at endpoints. In fact, in this circle, Sinopia comes to support and provide companies and organizations with a response, either on a regular and ongoing basis, or in extremely dangerous cases, because of which, if the event is not dealt with properly, the company will collapse.
These three circuits were built on the basis of the knowledge and experience that we have accumulated over two decades, and that enable us to fully provide organizations with a holistic service array tailored to any purpose and need that exists in the organization, such as: fully managed IT services, Level 2 expert services (more in-depth support, experts with advanced technical troubleshooting methods) and service for specific projects through characterization, implementation, and sale of the solution.
IT management requires 24/7 attention; even when your systems aren’t working, it’s important to have a hand on your pulse, lest you fall under attack, or your systems crash. Also, in cases where your team works remotely and needs access to your organization’s systems and documents outside of enterprise hours. Therefore, it is important to have an IT entity that provides continuous support for each case.
So if you want to leave all your IT troubles in reliable hands, and to enjoy peace of mind, while fully concentrating on your organizational goals, we invite you to reach out to us today and enjoy outsourced IT services.
Our clients – untouched
As a leading IT and information security company, Sinopia brings its experience, knowledge, and professionalism to the project, and together with the computing department of Azrieli College, maximizes technological capabilities with long-term vision, while keeping within the budgetary framework.
We see Sinopia as more than a business partner. Throughout our years of working together, our feeling is that Sinopia is part of our DNA, a caring company that promotes the client technologically, with a broad vision and uncompromising service.

When we set out,
we did not realize how significant the word partnership was. Today, from a 7-year perspective, I can freely say that Sinopia is a full partner on our path, a path on which we have undergone many structural changes, and have overcome security information threats together. We see Sinopia and its employees as an integral part of our Group's employees, both in terms of involvement
and responsibility, and in their vast knowledge that makes us focus on the main thing, that is the expansion
and growth of the company's business center.

Sinopia is not just another supplier!!!!
Sinopia is a true partner, honest, professional, and fair. It's great that our paths crossed.
We started working together with Sinopia about 6 years ago, and over time, the company has become an integral part of our organization. We received service from them in the field of backup storage, virtual servers, and a general computing network.
The staff at Sinopia are simply great, under the professional leadership of the network architect Eyal Sachs,
and Itzik Shamai HaCohen is the conductor of the entire orchestra– someone who fights for me and demands the best

Synopia A boutique company for managing and operating the IT system from end to end. When you manage a large and complex IT system, it is important to be accompanied by trustworthy partners from among the leading names in the IT market, who create full and continuous cooperation on a daily basis in everything related to ongoing work, maintaining continuity, and backing-up of information, as well as at the level of prevention and enforcement in the security field.
After many years of working together, I can confidently say that working with the professional and fair Sinopia company takes a load off my mind in everything related to management of the field.

Let’s Talk