Organizational data insurance
Data backup
Data insurance at Sinopia
Backup Solutions
Data backup and protection against a system crash
When backup and data recovery systems are in place, a business can be protected from a system crash.
The issue of managing copies of the organization’s information backup is a top value at Sinopia – we take the information copy environment in the storage system seriously, and integrate it into the corporate backup system.
Remember: In the event of a physical or logical failure, the only copy from which the organization can return to regular activity is the backup copy.
The importance of data backup servers
Data backup and data recovery are important parts of running a business. Business owners understand the meaning of three important things:
- What can happen when all the computer systems in the business crash?
- The organization’s workers are liable to make mistakes.
- Disasters happen when they are the least expected, or when the worker is the least prepared.
These data backup systems are achieved by using an off-site server, or by using separate drives to store vast amounts of information. Without these data backup systems, data recovery becomes a dangerous situation, in which many businesses lose information when the worst happens.
External backup servers
Backup servers outside the business complex are useful for data recovery, because they provide huge amounts of storage at nominal prices, especially when compared to the hassle they save in the event of an information disaster. The existence of a safe place in which to place information from the primary business server can turn out to be a trouble-saving activity in the long run.
Data recovery is usually an action carried out without “unnecessary pain.” In the rare event that these site servers crash, off-site servers will provide a response after information is backed up on their drives. Using an off-site server to protect business data is one of the most effective methods of protecting information.
Backing up data on standalone storage drives
Another efficient system for backing up data is investing in standalone storage drives. Terabyte drives are relatively cheap if purchased from discount stores or large-volume stores. Recovering data from these drives is easy, because they are basically plug and play.
Storage volume is available from a few terabytes to petabytes. Selecting the required backup volume is derived from the data types that are necessary to run the business, within the framework of the daily data backup.
If this is, for example, financial data, it’s certain that the value of these external drives is priceless, given the need to protect business data.
Both off-site and external drive storage are a potential need. The optimal solution is absolutely determined on the basis of the managed business. Data backup and data recovery actually work the same way. The real consideration is whether long-term or short-term data storage is needed, and if the short term will cost more than the long term.
Of course, there are also economic considerations for choosing the storage solution, beyond the functional considerations and considerations of physical space, since storage outside the business site may provide more storage, but requires an ongoing retainer transaction with the service provider, while for external drive storage, only a one-time payment to purchase the drive is needed. Ultimately, all relevant considerations must be taken into account in order to protect business data.

Main reasons to back up the organization's data
Data loss prevention
We’ve all heard of tragic data loss, or have experienced it ourselves. The main reason for backing up data is to save important files if a system crash or a hard drive failure occurs.
Operational plan B
There should be additional data backup if the original backups have become corrupted, or if your hard drive fails. This option is best done through cloud storage or storage on a site outside the enterprise. Additional backups are necessary if natural or man-made disasters occur. Storms and warfare can lead to destruction of servers and computers due to fires and floods. Luckily, we are in the age of cloud technology, where data backup has become easier and safer than ever.
Tax reporting and audits
The tax authorities are notorious for their audits. The rules differ between countries, but it is important that companies retain financial and accounting data for tax reporting purposes. By backing up data, companies can save themselves during auditing.
Customer connection
Saved information improves customer relationship management, leading to an increase in marketing and sales. Additionally, saved customer information builds trust and value for a company.
Investor connections
In investor relations, backing up data reduces the tedious time needed to prepare annual reports for shareholders. Saved information symbolizes the due diligence and organization of the company. Without data backup, shareholders cannot make informed decisions, or determine the value of the company
Competitive advantage
Saved company data can be a competitive advantage, because there are many businesses that fail to backup important information.
Improving productivity
With existing backup files, companies improve productivity by reducing wasted time. Archived files lead to comparative studies of the past and present that enable more effective business planning.
No wasted time
Data backup reduces wasted time by preventing unnecessary repetition of activities. Thus, employees do not need to rewrite reports.
Peace of mind
Regular data backup leads to peace of mind. In the event that cybercrime, a system crash, or a disaster occurs, there is a company archive backup ready to go to restart the company. It’s never too late to start saving important company data. Ultimately, data backup is necessary to save the business from collapse, due to various circumstances.